At a time when all the Telcos in India are announcing mega expansion plans, Telecom Commission is busy finalizing the penalties on them for no show in some circles. Idea Cellular which had a moderate start on Dalal Street announced a $2 Billion investment to move towards PAN India footprint.Continue Reading

You are reading this first here – Security has been compromised at TRAI website. The website is hacked by “Crackers_Child”. I have alerted TRAI regarding the same. Here is a screenshot for you 🙂 Most Indian websites lack basic security and I am really glad that someone is teaching Indian WebContinue Reading

I was searching for some help on corporate law and I bumped into this cool feature – Click-To-Call by Google. Click to Call service connects you with the advertiser without revealing your phone number. The advertise looks as shown below, If you decide to talk to the advertiser, you click on theContinue Reading

With Web 2.0 companies gaining ground in India, one can see the drop in Reach and Rank to popular online destinations – Rediff, Sify and Indiatimes. Personally, Sify and Indiatimes are not even worth a visit due to poor design and ugly pop-ups. I decided to see the Reach and Rank of RediffContinue Reading

In the recently concluded Web 2.0 conference in India, Yahoo! Research Engineer, T. Mahesh unveiled some interesting facts about Yahoo’s Sponsored Search initiative, codenamed – Panama. Some interesting facts about Panama, Deliver the right ad to the right person on any device [Cool. They have it ready for any deviceContinue Reading

Even though it has been a couple of years since DTH [a.k.a Dish TV] has been launched in India, TRAI wants your expert suggestions now. TRAI specifically wants to know about, Interconnection issues – Standardizations and provision of access to broadcasters Quality of Standards – TRAI is wondering if it can fixContinue Reading

Malaysia’s largest Mobile Phone Operator, Maxis’ Indian subsidiary, Aircel will receive an investment of $450 Million, 50% more than previous year’s $300 Million. Maxis acknowledges its solid quarterly performance because of its Indian Operations. Aircel is planning to expand in the remaining 14 GSM circles where it has obtained permissionContinue Reading

Late last afternoon their was a word on the street that Bharti Airtel is going for a major announcement. Most DalalStreet brokers were expecting the hiving of Bharti Infratel – Towers Division into a separate company. But to my surprise, at 2:15 AM, a close confident of mine from Mumbai confirmsContinue Reading

The big story for the past week was Vodafone rejecting Essars demands. goBroadband reader, pointed out that IndiaPlaza price challenge was a gimmick and he was denied the gift voucher which he deserved. He also sent out screen shots making his case – One and Two. Indians are getting moreContinue Reading