Web 2.0 India: Panama – Yahoo’s answer to AdSense ?

In the recently concluded Web 2.0 conference in India, Yahoo! Research Engineer, T. Mahesh unveiled some interesting facts about Yahoo’s Sponsored Search initiative, codenamed – Panama. Some interesting facts about Panama,

  • Deliver the right ad to the right person on any device [Cool. They have it ready for any device – PlayStation, iPod, IPTV and Mobile ?]
  • Enhanced Features for Advertisers – Simple Campaign Management interface, Magnified level of detailing through which they can manage their search campaign, Effective end user targeting and Objectives based optimization.
  • Quality index to indicate how advertisers ad is performing relative to competitors
  • Better geographic targeting
  • Improved forecasting services to reduce transaction costs by allowing the advertiser to more effectively allocate marketing resources, weigh opportunity costs and set campaign expectations.
  • Fast Ad activations.

I hope this is really a bold answer to “How Yahoo! Blew It“. By the way anybody from Redmond reading this ? Google now has enviable cash reserves of whopping $11 Billion – Courtsey AdSense.

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  1. Well Yahoo has lost steam, no matter what, I don;t think Yahoo’s idea of any device approach in targeting ads is not a great step; It’s a futuristic step doomed for failure like the one taken by McCaw of the Iridium project. It has no audience other PCs for now.

    Mobile is catchin up but i don’t think ads are viable yet. Playstation, iPOd, IPTV Hahahaha. you got to be kidding.

  2. In my above comment I meant to say
    “I don’t think Yahoo’s idea of any device approach in targeting ads is a great step”.

  3. till this period yahoo not entered adsense in india

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