Folks opposed to the government of India’s implementation of additional reservation based on caste and race have released a ringtone to create mass awareness and let others know about what they are going through. Ofcourse they are the cerative and innovative pillars for a better and brighter India who haveContinue Reading

Timesonline is reporting that Google Mobile Labs is targetting the fastest growing Mobile marksts of the world, India and China. Earlier I had reporetd that the equation for Mobile 1.0 is not the same as Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 – East will rule the West 🙂 It is interestingContinue Reading

Earlier I had reported about mobile number portability in India. I happened to read an article by Alok Singh of CyberMedia published in their magazine Voice & Data April-05(Jeez I am so late, a procrastinator). Alok quotes that…With regards to MNP, the pertinent issue is why does it have toContinue Reading

Hello: I am all exicted to write about the Convergence scenario in India. For some reason I don’t buy the argument of the term “_broadband_” as cell phones, PDAs, Landlines, etc..don’t fit in that category and hence I am going with Convergence. Also India has always stayed a step ahead, by bypassing technologiesContinue Reading