Filing RTI with RTINation – It Just Works

I was curious to know if various Government agencies consider the RTI really seriously. As expected, I filed one with the Ministry of Communications and indeed they responded very accurately 🙂

Here is my experience about filing RTI through an online facilitator – RTINation.Com . I filed my application with them on the 18th of Sept by paying the fees [INR 125] through online Account transfer. [Secure transaction as it is carried out by CCAvenue] I received a formatted Word Document of my application on 20th and as required I signed it, Scanned it and e-mailed it back to RTINation on the 25th.

RTINation then prints it, attaches the Fees and sends it by Speed Post to the specified agency – Ministry of Communications in this case. The officials in MoC prepared a reply and sent it back by Registered post on the 9th of October with all the relevant information. It Just Works!!!

Do you have any suggestions other than RTINation.Com for filing RTI applications [It should be online filing] ?


    This site fooling people, they do not post actual application. Read their TOS agreement; They send application on wrong address and you cannt ask them nor question them. Wrost service i ever seen

  2. It may not be necessary that they may have sent it to the wrong address, may be the address must have been typed wrong or even the postal department must have missed to send it to right address…it happens.

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