Is BharatStudent spamming on Orkut ?

I was tipped off by a reader that Social Networking site, Bharat Student is spamming on Orkut by posting short links to Po*n vidoes hosted on BharatStudent.Com

I did check myself and found the allegation to be true. However, I am not sure if folks paid by the company are doing it or someone else. To me it seems like BharatStudent.Com is paying someone to spam on Orkut. Why ?

  • Most of those spam postings are by females with names such as Hema, Supriya etc..
  • All the links are short links and resolve to only BharatStudent.Com. Why not to YouTube ? Why not to any of these Indian Video Sharing websites ?
  • Someone posting this URL is doing it very intelligently. They don’t post a link that can be clicked, but a link such as “” or “” or “”. They ask to cut and paste in a new browser window. By doing so, they don’t get referral from Orkut. [Orkut and Google dislike anybody linking to Adult content by removing them from search engine index.]  Thus BharatStudent spammers are posting non clickable links which are also being escaped from Google’s automated link parser thus preserving page rank.

BharatStudent should be ashamed to host Adult videos when it calls itself a social networking site for the Indian student community and has a punch line – Young Soul of India.

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  1. Hey you guys are right, Bharatstudent has spammed orkut but the porn stuff you guys are talking is not there on BS. Some guys who wants to earn that extra buck might be promoting their videos. But its the sites responsibility to take care of such stuff. Noce site and my brother is a campus rep with that site. I definitely appreciate their achievement but not the route they took.

  2. I partially agree with Manoj when he says someone trying to earn that extra buck could be resorting to these.

    For those who do not know, Bharat Student pays its users for uploaded videos that reach a certain viewership. So instead of looking at innovative ways to market their videos, they could be resorting to cheap tricks.

    Lastly, I personally use the site a lot, and it seems to be very much clear of unwanted videos. That said, it is definitely a promising site, and has helped me with so much useful content in the study abroad section, etc.

    Way to go!!!

    – A Rocking BharatStudent!!!

  3. I dont care if someone or the website is spamming orkut or not.

    The site is an informative one, and is very student focused.
    Also, I don’t see any reason for the website to resort to tricks, as there is so much useful info anyway.

    BTW, I’ve found a couple of funny videos too. They were simply superb and made my day, as I had a hearty laugh.
    Try searching for “This ad rocks”.

    Lastly Guys,
    Stop being critics of this otherwise informative and fun site, and enjoy it.

    Cheers to this desi site. Way to go.

  4. I think Lokesh is a profile created by BS itself. And to those alleged charges that is a porn site is True.. They might not have porn on that site but they use Porn as a tool to invite users. I think they are building up a userbase which they plan to show off to a prospective buyer (which they and their VCs are hoping to god would come) like Yahoo or Google.

    I think None will come up and try to buy BS. Coz its full of Bullshit. All the fake profiles and users will eventually vanish, Funding will dry up and they will see that without genuine content and a damn good idea IT would ve been much better if they had gone ahead and built a stripJoint in Mumbai.. That would’ve been more profitable to the shareholders..Plus u never know when you might be acquired by another bigger Bar down the road.

  5. Bharatstudent sucks! doing the worst on the web on the name of “Bharat” don’t encourage that kind of cheap tricks over the’s not young souls of is Bharatstudent …shame of India

  6. I am a moron. Upto u to believe me. Hehe

  7. Whats up folks? I fully agree with this blog. I was lured to join BS. Peeps told me that there are unwanted BS promotional ads all over gossip sites etc… Anyway, I joined BS. Took the tour and nothing great about it, though. Surfed the sections and wondering what the heck is all those Bollywood thingy is doing in a so-called “student portal”.

    Bottom line: Bharat Student Is CHEATING Indian Students!!!

    PS: Wondering if my email address will be spammed by BS?

  8. Hey this is so true !!!
    BharatStudent is a disgrace to India, They better stop mixing Bharat and Porn.
    They have been spamming every one left and right. I totally agree with a few folks up there.

    Haha… they are not even smart enough to write fake messages on this blog, they have been caught red-handed.

    Shame on you Lokesh and Ramesh.

  9. A bit about the site – Bharatstudent was inaugurated by Priyanka Chopra on 16 feb in Taj Mumbai.Its currently headed by Vishnu Vardhan Indhuri who headed Rythm Media Works Hyd., President of Operations at Vyjayanthi Tele Ventures and director of National Inst of Event Mgmt Pune in his earlier roles.. Why is this guy frogging from one scam to another!! The promoters are Northgate Technologies which I’m sure made tons of money not by writing software but by rerouting ISD calls via leased lines. They have invested abt 25 crores in Bharatstudent most of which would be on marketing the stupid site.

    You gotta be amazed by the fact that just by spamming Orkut this site has notched up an Alexa ranking of 34 (among other Indian sites). People sure like Orkut and like those sex based communities even better.

    You know what you can do? You can reply to those scams inside Orkuts communities by replying with the target url (the final site where the porn video is uploaded.) So the reply msg would read like

    **** ****

    Enough of us do it enough number of times and it would piss them off bigtime.Why? because Google would cut them out of their search results and their Alexa rankings would drop. World would be a very diff place for, No users, No ranking, No spammers, No money and at the end it would closeup.

    Dont get me wrong guys ..not that i hate porn. I would have been a big supporter of these BS guys had they started a porn site with a name like . That Kills me

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