Indian Telecom Regulator, TRAI has released its recommendations on reserve price for auction of spectrum in the 800 MHz band. Key recommendations are as follows, The pan-India reserve price of 800MHz is Rs26.85bn per MHz ~18% higher than the current price of 1800MHz ( Price Discovered in Feb-2014 1800Mhz Auction)Continue Reading

Dr Rahul Khullar, Chairman, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), met some institutional investors and analysts, to share the regulator’s views on Indian telecom sector post the recent round of spectrum auctions. The regulator took credit of the recently concluded auction by saying Average spectrum holding of telecom operators inContinue Reading

India’s Largest Integrated Telecommunications company Airtel and Reliance Jio have announced a comprehensive arrangement to share infrastructure created by both companies, including optic fiber network, towers, submarine cable networks and internet broadband services. The agreement can be extended in the future to cover roaming on 2G, 3G and 4G networks.Continue Reading