I normally don’t write about AdSense but here is a thought and my 2 cents. I am not talking of Google AdSense APIs. What I want Google to do is go a step further than what is existing. Lets say I have 50,000 advertisers with good budget. However, I lack the technologyContinue Reading

With the launch of Moser Baer Home Video, will Video Piracy in India be thing of past  ? Delhi based Moser Baer Ltd which was in the production of CD / DVDs for the global market changed its direction when Ratul Puri got involved in day today managment of the company. MoserContinue Reading

Vodafone’s Sarin is betting on Low Cost Handset[ Lower than Rs 1,500 ?] and still lower Telecom tariffs. In 2-3 years, India will contribute the laregst number of subscribers to Vodafone Plc. He said, At this stage, all I can say is that (mobile handset) prices have room to go lowerContinue Reading

Apart from ADC reduction, Pragati Maidan was the host to Convergence India 2007. Nikhil has an update here. BSNL introduced unlimited broadband for business. Nokia N95 will be launched in India by April-1st and the expected cost is Rs 42,000. Google Asia-Pacific Chief, Sukhinder Singh Cassidy speaks about her IndiaContinue Reading

Social networking startup, minglebox has been rocking for a while now. Few months ago it was iPod then last week it was free tickets to Iron Maiden concert  and now Music! for all. This addition is significant mainly because the youth want entertainment. I guess this is in conformance with a report comScore e-mailed meContinue Reading

TRAI just a while ago announced the reduction in ADC – Access Deficit Charges. TRAI is mainly relying on the growth of Incoming international calls for the reduction in ADC. The changes will be effective from April-1st and are as follows, No ADC on outgoing ILD calls. Current charges – Rs 0.80 /Continue Reading

The GSM Association is planning a common mobile advertisng platform. What is a Common Platform ? It is a platform where all the GSM service providers[ Airtel, Voadafone, Aircel, Spice etc] will share their customers profile including monthly bills. For instance profile of all the customers whose average bill is greater than RsContinue Reading

India’s Teledensity is now at a record 18.26% at the end of Feb-07. India now has 202.74 Million phone subscribers. India has 162 Million Wireless subscribers and mere 40.39 Million Wireline subscribers. The number of broadband connections have also increased to 2.21 Million.The Broadband Wireless Access Policy unveiled last September callsContinue Reading

Exclusive: BSNL, CMD will launch IPTV in few hours from now for Puneites. Pune is the city where BSNL tested its IPTV and will officially launch for consumers tomorrow. The Picture on your left is at the Trial Run of IPTV. Here is the information we at goBroadband have obtained forContinue Reading