Bharti Airtel has reached the 40 Million mobile subscribers milestone. It is the first Indian company to reach this milestone leaving BSNL & RCom behind in the race. It took Airtel 11 years to get the first 20 Million subscribers while the next 20 Million came in just 13 months.Continue Reading

Continuing the intensified battle for wireless supremacy in India, Reliance Communications has introduced lowest ever roaming rates on certain plans. Mr Shukla, President Wireless Business said, The roaming rates had already been reduced in Feb 2007 for our customers. Now, we have taken a step further by reducing roaming ratesContinue Reading

China Telecom’s signals are reaching the summit of Mt. Everest. Rod Baber a Briton sponsored by Motorola, conquered the Mt. Everest and made a phone call to his friend and said, …….It’s cold, it’s fantastic, the himalayas are everywhere….. Congratulations to Rod!!! Indian Govt, better watch out, the Chinese haveContinue Reading

With the entry of Vodafone, the fastest growing Wireless market in the world is witnessing an intensified war from Bharti Airtel, Reliance and Vodafone-Essar. Reliance Communications still starving to get PAN-India GSM spectrum introduced  low cost handset through its CDMA division. Day later, Nokia introduced low cost handset to upholdContinue Reading

I normally don’t like to write about politics and is beyond the scope of this blog. Dayanidhi Maran has done a commendable job as the IT & Communications minister of India. However, i was shocked to read about some of his wrong doings which came to light only after his fall . DayanidhiContinue Reading

aQuantive a Seattle based advertising company is acquired by Redmond giant at a premium of 85%. Shares of aQuantive soared 78% in early trading hours. Microsoft is paying $6 Billion in cash for the acquisition. Microsoft had suffered another setback when 24/7 Real media was acquired by WPP. Looks like SunContinue Reading

Tata Indicom has entered into a joint venture with Virgin Mobile of the UK. Virgin is one of the well known MVNOs. However, due to lethargic decision making by TRAI on allowing MVNOs, Virgin is taking a different route as an agent of Tata. Virgin mobile will be targetted forContinue Reading

A. Raja will takeover the IT & Communications ministry from Dayanidhi Maran. Family feud and greed which led to the departure of Maran has created a vacuum in the telecom cricles. Some of Maran’s bold proposals for this year were to get rid of mobile roaming charges and bring a regimeContinue Reading

India’s telecom regulator, TRAI has classified Google Talk, Yahoo! Voice Chat and other innovative VoIP applications as Grey Market operations and maybe cracked down. The report says [PDF] VoIP can also pose a threat to National Security. Good Grief!!! Looks like Mr. S.K. Gupta is following the footsteps of Mr. FailureContinue Reading