On Mobile Number Portability – Insiders View

Earlier I had reported about mobile number portability in India. I happened to read an article by Alok Singh of CyberMedia published in their magazine Voice & Data April-05(Jeez I am so late, a procrastinator).

Alok quotes that…With regards to MNP, the pertinent issue is why does it have to take one year ? The current state of technological readiness of the operators and the availablity of MNP applications can let the facility roll out much earlier.

I would like to differ with Alok as MNP is not an ordinary issue at all. When MNP was first introduced in the US, their were so many backend issues that need to be handled which created panic and left some users without mobile services from 48 hours to 30 days in some cases. AT&T lost consumers heavily during this transition. Also don’t forget US has one of the best telephone numbering mechanism known as the North American Numbering Plan. I can only imagine the mess our mobile numbering mechanism will create once MNP goes online.


  1. Talk about procrastinating :))

    Am new to blogging, so please excuse the gap.

    This response was carried in the June issue of the magazine.

    “Teething troubles are inevitable, if an when MNP is implemented. It is better to do it sooner, with relatively lesser number of subscribers. Procrastinat[ion] could lead to a stage where the very scale of subscriber numbers will create more hurdles in the rollout of MNP.”

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