Indian online properties to get HOTTER!

Its just not that real estate in Bangalore/Gurgaon or the Mumbai stock exchange SENSEX touching new highs, but the Indian Internet properties are also getting hotter. India had approximately 40 Million Internet subscribers at the end of 2005, witnessing a growth of 54% YoY.

As reported in Business 2.0, good domains and domains that are misspellings of great Internet brands have a very high value. is one such domain which resembles a great and a popular discussion portal for Indians . Vijay Bhatter founded and has 36 Million pages views/month. Its Alexa ranking is 3294. a domain smiliar to, was auctioned off last afternoon by Snapnames, which fetched a cool $4350(Indian Rupees 1,97,500). The buyer is Michael from Bethesda, Maryland. Considering’s move for a $13 Million IPO, which has Alexa ranking of 2181 and 40 Million page views/month, and falls in the same rank and file as that of, Michael might have jut gota steal for his money. Is it time that Indian investors start thinking about investing in good domain names rather than Gold, Stocks and M.F.Hussein paintings 😉


  1. Good information provided buddy. Loved the concept and the style of writing, Keep up the good work! 😀

  2. This is really good info. Kindly tell me how to proceed

  3. very nice……

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