eBay India Launches Advertising

eBay India is booking ads for its website. You can place an ad on home / categories / search results page. This is not eBay’s Adcontext nor contextual nor behavioral advertising, but the old model of booking display ads. The site boasts of 2.5 million unique users and 30 million page views. eBay is taking this step due to lack of Auction based revenues in India.

eBay has banned its competitors [Online Shopping and Auction Sites] from placing ads. The only Ads that I saw were of John Players and Tata Sky Dish TV. John Players redirects to an exclusive eBay shop while Tata Sky takes you to their official website.

I was little curious about who was serving these ads and sniffing the packets, it was redirected through eBayObjects.com. eBayobjects DNS entries point to NS*.DOUBLECLICK.NET. So it is not Yahoo that is serving ads, but DoubleClick, a Google company is. If you visit http://in.ebayobjects.com/ you will notice that its a DoubleClick advertising server 🙂

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