If BillG thought of having a Microsoft Web in late 90s, it’s another Harvard drop out Mark Zuckerberg actually moving closer to BillG’s goal, Facebook – the new WWW. Facebook a social networking site which took off after Mark Zuckerberg hacked into Harvard’s house websites to harvest images of students. Facebook is among the top 10 sites in the world. Mark said,
We recently passed eBay in traffic and we’re working on passing Google too.
Mark also quoted,
Every once in a while a platform comes along that allows people to build a completely new application — sometimes even starts new industries.
Absolutely, I have to agree with him. He wants Facebook to be the social OS [I should not use this word OS, an obsolete and a misnomer in the context of the Web] Facebook is opening their platform for you to build services, applications, businesses, include your own Advertising network and make money on their platform. A Google News Search will show you so many applications are ready to be plugged into Facebook – Box.Net, FlipTrack, CollegeHumor, iLike, Jaxtr etc. This will make user stick to Facebook and spend more time on their Network. Facebook can be used to launch and test market new products online, just like Donald Trump’s “The Apprentice”.
Facebook is asking Developers to preserve the uniformity of web pages. However some issues remain, will Facebook be a No Evil company, unlike Amazon which pulled the plug on Alexaholic ? Addressing spammers who think Viag*a and Po*n as the WWW 🙂
Tags: Web 2.0, Facebook, WWW, Social Networking
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