Reliance Communications – Trust BSEIndia or the Press ?

Reliance Communications Limited announced its results for the second quarter ended Sept-2006. As reported by the press, it had income of Rs3526 crores and a net profit of 702 crores. However, the Bombay Stock exchange website lists income of Rs2838.6 crores and a net profit of Rs496.52 crores. So who is right and who is wrong ? OR Has the Ambani  carefully manipulated such that both figures are right in their own respect.

Reliance Communications website hasn’t published the results and I wonder how our press draws a comparison between Reliance and Bharti Tele-Ventures Limited ? Sure Ambani needs a lesson on Indian GAAP accounting from Sunil Bharti Mittal 🙂


Update: Finally, I obtained a copy of their results and BSE India figures are wrong.